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Free Vintage LED String Light with Code only at Lumens(15){"Finish=White | Size=Small":"uu492617_alt01", "Finish=White | Size=Large":"uu492617_alt02", "Finish=Black | Size=Small":"uu492617_alt23", "Finish=Black | Size=Large":"uu492617_alt28"}Free Vintage LED String Light with Code only at Lumens(2)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/VISP155356_alt04?$Lumens.com-PRP-large${"Finish=Antique-Burnished Brass | Size=Small | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356_alt04", "Finish=Bronze | Size=Small | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356_alt03", "Finish=Bronze | Size=Medium | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356_alt01", "Finish=Bronze | Size=Large | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356_alt06", "Finish=Antique-Burnished Brass | Size=Medium | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356", "Finish=Antique-Burnished Brass | Size=Large | Light Option=Integrated LED":"VISP155356_alt07", "Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=Medium | Light Option=Integrated 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"Finish=Carbon Matte Black | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt90", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt79", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt79", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt80", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt80", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Incandescent":"uu449821_alt91", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt91", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt81", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt81", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt82", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt82", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt83", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt83", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt84", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt84", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt92", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt92", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt85", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt85", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt86", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt86", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt93", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt93", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt87", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt87", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt88", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt88", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt94", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt94", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt101", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt101", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt100", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt100", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt102", "Finish=Gloss Black | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt102", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt104", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt272", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt103", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt103", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Extra Large | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt115", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Extra Large | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt114", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Extra Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt113", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Incandescent":"uu449821_alt110", "Finish=Bisque | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt110", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt112", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt273", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Incandescent":"uu449821_alt111", "Finish=Matte White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=LED":"uu449821_alt111", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt106", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt106", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt105", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt105", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt107", "Finish=Terra Cotta | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt107", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt271", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt270", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt109", "Finish=Antique Silver | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt109", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt275", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt274", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt108", "Finish=Gloss White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt108", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt150", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt141", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt132", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt123", "Finish=Carbon Matte Black with Champagne Gold | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt159", "Finish=Midnight Sky | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt153", "Finish=Midnight Sky | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt144", "Finish=Midnight Sky | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt135", "Finish=Midnight Sky | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt126", "Finish=Midnight Sky | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt162", "Finish=Gloss Black with Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt148", "Finish=Gloss Black with Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt139", "Finish=Gloss Black with Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt130", "Finish=Gloss Black with Matte White | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt121", "Finish=Gloss Black with Matte White | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt157", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt155", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt146", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt137", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt128", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt164", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt151", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt142", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt133", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt124", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt160", "Finish=Gloss Blush | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt149", "Finish=Gloss Blush | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt140", "Finish=Gloss Blush | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt131", "Finish=Gloss Blush | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt122", "Finish=Gloss Blush | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt158", "Finish=Matte White with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt154", "Finish=Matte White with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt145", "Finish=Matte White with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt136", "Finish=Matte White with Champagne Gold | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt127", "Finish=Matte White with Champagne Gold | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt163", "Finish=Gloss Grey | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt152", "Finish=Gloss Grey | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt143", "Finish=Gloss Grey | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt134", "Finish=Gloss Grey | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt125", "Finish=Gloss Grey | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt161", "Finish=White Gloss with Inner White Gloss | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt156", "Finish=White Gloss with Inner White Gloss | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt147", "Finish=White Gloss with Inner White Gloss | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt138", "Finish=White Gloss with Inner White Gloss | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt129", "Finish=White Gloss with Inner White Gloss | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt165", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt252", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt252", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt217", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt217", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt192", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt192", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt175", "Finish=Matte Green | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt175", "Finish=Hammered Brass | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt247", "Finish=Hammered Brass | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt247", "Finish=Hammered Brass | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt212", "Finish=Hammered Brass | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt212", "Finish=Celadon Green Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt241", "Finish=Celadon Green Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt241", "Finish=Celadon Green Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt206", "Finish=Celadon Green Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt206", "Finish=White Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt244", "Finish=White Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt244", "Finish=White Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt209", "Finish=White Crackle | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt209", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt242", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt242", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt207", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt207", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt187", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt187", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt170", "Finish=Canyon Clay | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt170", "Finish=Hammered Copper | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt248", "Finish=Hammered Copper | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt248", "Finish=Hammered Copper | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt213", "Finish=Hammered Copper | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt213", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt235", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt235", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt200", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt200", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt183", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt183", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt166", "Finish=Adobe | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt166", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt261", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt225", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt197", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt180", "Finish=Reflecting Pool | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt278", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt255", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt255", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt220", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt220", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt195", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt195", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt178", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt178", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt276", "Finish=Muted Yellow | Size=Large | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt276", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt245", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt210", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt189", "Finish=Cerise | Size=Small | Shade Design=Standard | Light Function=Downlight | Light Option=Replaceable Bulb":"uu449821_alt172", "Finish=Real Rust | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light Option=Integrated LED":"uu449821_alt262", "Finish=Real Rust | Size=Small | Shade Design=Perforations | Light Function=Up and Downlight | Light 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Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt08", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt08", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt08", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt29", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt29", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt29", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt29", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt30", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt30", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt30", "Finish=Matte Black | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt30", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Droplet | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt21", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt21", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt21", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Ribbed | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt21", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt22", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt22", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=2700":"RBWP296847_alt22", "Finish=Silk Grey | Globe=Faceted | Rating=UL Listed Wet | Color Temperature=3000":"RBWP296847_alt22"}Exclusive
Free Vintage LED String Light with Code only at Lumens(1){"Finish=Bronze":"uu576124", "Finish=Graphite":"uu576124_alt03", "Finish=Black":"uu576124_alt07"}$35930% Savings Only at LumensFree Gift with Code only at Lumens(9)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB?$Lumens.com-PRP-large${"Color=Silver":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt07", "Color=Crystal":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt11", "Color=Gold":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt09", "Color=Opaque White":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt06", "Color=Black":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt01", "Color=Multicolored Titanium":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt05", "Color=Multicolored Light Blue":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt04", "Color=Multicolored Fuchsia":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt03", "Color=Matte White":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt02", "Color=Matte Black":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB", "Color=Copper":"PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB_alt56"}Free Vintage LED String Light with Code only at Lumens(73)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/VISP154891_alt01?$Lumens.com-PRP-large${"Finish=Burnished Silver Leaf | Size=Small":"VISP154891", "Finish=Burnished Silver Leaf | Size=Medium":"VISP154891_alt04", "Finish=Gild | Size=Small":"VISP154891_alt03", "Finish=Gild | Size=Medium":"VISP154891_alt06", "Finish=Plaster White | Size=Small":"VISP154891_alt02", "Finish=Plaster White | Size=Medium":"VISP154891_alt05", "Finish=Plaster White | Size=Grande":"VISP154891_alt28", "Finish=Plaster White | Size=Extra Large":"VISP154891_alt22", "Finish=Plaster White | Size=Large":"VISP154891_alt16", "Finish=Gild | Size=Grande":"VISP154891_alt26", "Finish=Gild | Size=Extra Large":"VISP154891_alt20", "Finish=Gild | Size=Large":"VISP154891_alt14", "Finish=Burnished Silver Leaf | Size=Grande":"VISP154891_alt24", "Finish=Burnished Silver Leaf | Size=Extra Large":"VISP154891_alt18", "Finish=Burnished Silver Leaf | Size=Large":"VISP154891_alt12"}(2){"Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=20 in":"VISP213948", "Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Soft Brass | Size=20 in":"VISP213948_alt01", "Glass Color=Cream Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=20 in":"VISP213948_alt02", "Glass Color=Cream Tinted | Finish=Soft Brass | Size=20 in":"VISP213948_alt03", "Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Soft Brass | Size=33 in":"VISP213948_alt11", "Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=33 in":"VISP213948_alt10", "Glass Color=Cream Tinted | Finish=Soft Brass | Size=33 in":"VISP213948_alt13", "Glass Color=Cream Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=33 in":"VISP213948_alt12", "Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Soft Brass | Size=26 in":"VISP213948_alt16", "Glass Color=Blush Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=26 in":"VISP213948_alt14", "Glass Color=Cream Tinted | Finish=Polished Nickel | Size=26 in":"VISP213948_alt15"}(3)Iconic{"Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Oak - Black":"CLHP95675", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Walnut - Lacquered":"CLHP95675_alt06", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Oak - White":"CLHP95675_alt03", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Oak - Soaped":"CLHP95675_alt05", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Oak - Oiled":"CLHP95675_alt02", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Beech - Orange Red":"CLHP95675_alt04", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Beech - Natural White":"CLHP95675_alt01", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Beech - Lacquered":"CLHP95675_alt19", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Beech - Soap":"CLHP95675_alt22", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Beech - Black":"CLHP95675_alt20", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Mahogony - Oiled":"CLHP95675_alt21", "Seat Color=Natural Paper Cord | Frame Finish=Oiled Teak":"CLHP95675_alt32"}$690 - $1,81520% Savings Today(3)Compareup to 5 items
up to 2 items
What Makes Artisanal Lighting Different
Quality and care are of the utmost importance when it comes to the interior design of the modern home. These factors are also a significant aspect in regards to the selection and installation of lighting fixtures within a home or business. Artisanal design embodies these values through high-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail unlike any other type of lighting.
Artisanal lighting, also known as boutique lighting, stands apart in the way it is made and the story behind its creation. Boutique lighting is perfect for those looking for truly one-of-a-kind pieces. These pieces are hand-crafted by skilled artisans, which means each lighting fixture is unique. Like sustainable lighting, many artisanal lamps and fixtures are created with eco-friendly practices and materials in mind.
How to Choose the Right Type of Handcrafted Artisanal Lighting
Artisanal lighting fixtures come in all shapes and sizes from pendants to chandeliers. The common thread of artisanal lighting is that each piece is an individual masterpiece, molded and crafted by hand. However, this also means there are many diverse types and styles of boutique lighting.
Just as each artisan brings their own style to the creation of the lighting fixture, each piece is infused with its own unique characteristics and heritage that is illustrated by its design.
Mid-Century modern design is popular when it comes to boutique lighting because it heralds back to an era when fine craftsmanship and top-quality were industry standards. Characterized by clean lines, authentic forms, and creative use of color, artisanal lights of mid-century modern design are ideal for those who are yearning for nostalgia and timeless allure.
Many boutique lighting fixtures feature elements of Industrial design, which is inspired by the era of inventory and machines. Industrial lighting often uses bold finishes such as chrome or nickel and distinct use of material such as metal or concrete. Artisanal lighting that is made with Industrial design influences stands above the rest since each component is placed by hand to ensure a one-of-a-kind creation.
Artisanal lighting can also include elements of Danish Modern design. These types of boutique lighting fixtures use a minimalist approach, often characterized by geometric shapes and simple features.
Creating a Well-Designed Space with Boutique Artisanal Lighting
Those looking for a lighting fixture with a creation story as unique as their own style should choose artisanal lighting. Boutique lighting offers homeowners the chance to customize the lighting experience and interior design of their contemporary home.
Since each creation is made with meticulous care by hand, no two pieces are exactly alike. When boutique lighting is chosen for the modern home, the high-quality craftsmanship done by artisan's hands will be reflected in the design of the lighting fixture.
There is no better way to create a well-designed space then to choose artisanal creations that are carefully designed and hand-crafted. If a homeowner wants to find a light source that will embody their unique personality and style, then choosing artisanal lighting for their space is a must.
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Lumens offers ground shipping options to Canada. The shipping costs include brokerage fees and do not include taxes or customs duties. These are listed at check out and collected along with your order payment. All pricing displayed across the site is in US Dollars.Additional shipping charges may apply on items shipped by freight.
Some brands are excluded.
&Tradition, Alessi, Artek, Arteriors, B&B Italia, Bambrella, BDI, Bernhardt Design, Big Ass Fans, Blomus, Blu Dot, Calligaris, Cappellini, Carl Hansen, Casablanca Fan Company, Cerno, Cherner Chair Company, Chilewich, Copeland Furniture, Corbett Lighting, Craftmade Fans, Cyan Design, Davide Groppi, dweLED, EcoSmart Fire, Eglo, Ethnicraft, Fanimation Fans, Fatboy, Fermob, Fine Art Handcrafted Lighting, FLOS, Fredrick Ramond, Fritz Hansen, Gabriel Scott, Gan Rugs, Generation Lighting, George Kovacs, Greenington, Gus Modern, Heller, Herman Miller, Hinkley, Hubbardton Forge, Hudson Valley Lighting, Humanscale, Hunter Fans, Huppe, Iittala, J. Adams & Co., Juniper Design, Kebe, Knoll, Lafer, Lafuma, Lechuza, Loll Designs, Loloi, Louis Poulsen, Lyon Beton, LZF, Magis, Marset, Metropolitan Lighting, Midj, Minka Aire Fans, Minka-Lavery, Mitzi, Modern Fan Company, Modern Forms, Modloft, Modloft Black, Moooi Carpets, Nanimarquina, Nomon, Oxygen Lighting, Pablo Designs, Petite Friture, Poltrona Frau, QLOCKTWO, Quorum International, Regina Andrew, Roll & Hill, RS Barcelona, Schonbek, Secto Design, SONNEMAN Lighting, Steelcase, Stickbulb, Teckell, Terzani, The Great Outdoors: Minka-Lavery, Toulemonde Bochart, Troy Lighting, Vibia, Visual Comfort Architectural, Visual Comfort Fan, Visual Comfort Modern, Visual Comfort Signature, Visual Comfort Studio, Vitra, Vondom, WAC Lighting, ZANEEN design. Some eligible brands may include items that do not qualify for this promotion. This list is subject to change at any time. All open-box, clearance, light bulbs and some sale items are also excluded from this offer. Cannot be combined with any other offers or past orders.
Discount does not apply to furniture, clearance or open-box items.
Brand exclusions:
*Exclusions apply. Certain brands prohibit discounting and are excluded from this offer:
&Tradition, Alessi, Artek, Arteriors, heatscope, BDI, Calligaris, Capital Lighting, Cerno, Cherner Chair Company, Fatboy, Fermob, Fritz Hansen, Gan Rugs, Gus Modern, Heller, Herman Miller, Hubbardton Forge, Huppe, Iittala, Juniper Design, Lafer, Lechuza, Marset, Minka Aire Fans, Modern Fan Company, Nanimarquina, Pablo Designs, Vondom, Secto Design, Terzani, Vitra, Vibia, FLOS, Louis Poulsen, RS Barcelona, Nomon, Hudson Valley Lighting, Mitzi, Troy Lighting, Corbett Lighting, Loloi, Chilewich, Toulemonde Bochart, Hinkley, Gabriel Scott, Petite Friture, Moooi Carpets, EcoSmart Fire, Regina Andrew, Fredrick Ramond, Roll & Hill, J. Adams & Co., B&B Italia, Davide Groppi, Steelcase, Cappellini, Poltrona Frau, Sonneman, Kuzco, Alora, Alora Mood, Visual Comfort Signature, Visual Comfort Modern, Visual Comfort Studio, Visual Comfort Fan, Visual Comfort Architectural, Generation Lighting, Artcraft, Justice Design Group, Four Hands, Uttermost, Lark, WAC, dweled, modern forms, currey & company
Some eligible brands may include items that do not qualify for this promotion. This list is subject to change at any time. Clearance, light bulbs and some sale items are also excluded from this offer. Cannot be combined with any other offers or past orders.
Brand exclusions:
*Exclusions apply. Certain brands prohibit discounting and are excluded from this offer:
Brands, &Tradition, Alessi, Alora, Alora Mood, Artek, Asano, Astep, B&B Italia, BDI, Calligaris, Capital Lighting, Cappellini, Cherner Chair Company, Conmoto, Coolicon, Currey & Company, EcoSmart Fire, Essey, Eurofase, FLOS, Foldability, Foscarini, Fredrick Ramond, Fritz Hansen , Generation Lighting, George Kovacs, heatscope, Hinkley, Hubbardton Forge, Huppe, Iittala, Junghans, Kuzco, Lafer, Lark, Le Klint, Lechuza, Louis Poulsen, Made By Hand, Melogranoblu, Metropolitan Lighting, Midgard, Minka Aire Fans, Minka-Lavery, Modern Fan Company, Moooi Carpets, Nomon, Nora , Nyta, Original BTC, Poltrona Frau, Produzione Privata, Qlocktwo, Regina Andrew, Roll & Hill, RS Barcelona, Savoy House, Structures, Terzani, The Great Outdoors: Minka-Lavery, Toulemonde Bochart, Vibia, Visual Comfort Architectural, Visual Comfort Fan, Visual Comfort Modern, Visual Comfort Signature, Visual Comfort Studio, Vitra, Yamagiwa
Some eligible brands may include items that do not qualify for this promotion. This list is subject to change at any time. Clearance, light bulbs and some sale items are also excluded from this offer. Cannot be combined with any other offers or past orders.
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*Exclusions apply. One gift per customer, while supplies last. Offer valid for U.S. shipping destinations only. Lumens reserves the right to substitute an item of comparable value. Certain brands are excluded from this offer: Alessi, Artek, Arteriors, Artkalia, B&B Italia, Bambrella, BDI, Bernhardt Design, Blomus, Blu Dot, Calligaris, Cane-line, Carl Hansen, Cherner Chair Company, Chilewich, Copeland Furniture, Driade, dweLED, Ethnicraft, Fermob, Fine Art Handcrafted Lighting, FLOS, Fredrick Ramond, Gan Rugs, Greenington, Gus Modern, Heller, Herman Miller ... Hubbardton Forge, Huppe, Iittala, Kartell, Kebe, Knoll, Lafer, Lafuma, Lechuza, Loll Designs, Loloi, Luceplan, Lyon Beton, Magis, Marset, Midj, Minka Aire Fans, Modern Fan Company, Modern Forms, Modloft, Modloft Black, Moooi Carpets, Nanimarquina, Nomon, Petite Friture, QLOCKTWO, Roll & Hill, Secto Design, Teckell, Toulemonde Bochart, Visual Comfort, Vitra, Vondom, WAC Lighting, ZANEEN design. Some eligible brands may include items that do not qualify for this promotion. This list is subject to change at any time. All open-box, clearance, light bulbs and some sale items are also excluded from this offer. Cannot be combined with any other offers or past orders. + See More
Make an online purchase now through 7/9/24 to earn $75 off a future purchase.
Terms & Conditions: Only web orders eligible. Must be opted in to Lumens email to receive the offer. Redemption period 8/1 – 8/5 $75 off a purchase of $500 or more during the redemption period. Web orders only. One coupon code per subscriber. Some restrictions apply.
Alessi, Artek, Arteriors, Artkalia, B&B Italia, Bambrella, BDI, Bernhardt Design, Blomus, Blu Dot, Calligaris, Cane-line, Carl Hansen, Cherner Chair Company, Chilewich, Copeland Furniture, Driade, dweLED, Ethnicraft, Fermob, Fine Art Handcrafted Lighting, FLOS, Fredrick Ramond, Gan Rugs, Greenington, Gus Modern, Heller, Herman Miller ... Hubbardton Forge, Huppe, Iittala, Kartell, Kebe, Knoll, Lafer, Lafuma, Lechuza, Loll Designs, Loloi, Luceplan, Lyon Beton, Magis, Marset, Midj, Minka Aire Fans, Modern Fan Company, Modern Forms, Modloft, Modloft Black, Moooi Carpets, Nanimarquina, Nomon, Petite Friture, QLOCKTWO, Roll & Hill, Secto Design, Teckell, Toulemonde Bochart, Visual Comfort, Vitra, Vondom, WAC Lighting, ZANEEN design. Some eligible brands may include items that do not qualify for this promotion. This list is subject to change at any time. Cannot be combined with any other offers or past orders. + See More
Artisanal Modern Style Lighting, Designs & Decor
Finish(1)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/RBWP296010_alt04?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Glass Color
(13)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/KTLP212823_alt16?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Finish(37)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/GRPP370507_alt78?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Finish$139 - $149(43)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/RBWP153212_alt13?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$FinishExclusive
(15)Finish(2)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/VISP155356_alt04?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Finish(1)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/RBWP296846_alt12?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$FinishExclusive
(2)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/RBWP512510_alt32?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Glass ColorExclusive
Finish$1,499 - $2,299(3)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/SNNP311287_alt06?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Finish$400 - $660isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/KTLP208593_alt70?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Color(112)Finish(8)Finish$400 - $650(1)Color(6)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/MTCP514096_alt02?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$(2)ColorExclusive
(5)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/RBWP296847_alt02?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$FinishExclusive
(1)Finish$359(9)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/PAAAAALGNFAHMGDB?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Color(73)isproducttileimage https://images.lumens.com/is/image/Lumens/VISP154891_alt01?$Lumens.com-PRP-large$Finish(2)Glass Color(3)$690 - $1,815(3)What Makes Artisanal Lighting Different
Quality and care are of the utmost importance when it comes to the interior design of the modern home. These factors are also a significant aspect in regards to the selection and installation of lighting fixtures within a home or business. Artisanal design embodies these values through high-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail unlike any other type of lighting.
Artisanal lighting, also known as boutique lighting, stands apart in the way it is made and the story behind its creation. Boutique lighting is perfect for those looking for truly one-of-a-kind pieces. These pieces are hand-crafted by skilled artisans, which means each lighting fixture is unique. Like sustainable lighting, many artisanal lamps and fixtures are created with eco-friendly practices and materials in mind.
How to Choose the Right Type of Handcrafted Artisanal Lighting
Artisanal lighting fixtures come in all shapes and sizes from pendants to chandeliers. The common thread of artisanal lighting is that each piece is an individual masterpiece, molded and crafted by hand. However, this also means there are many diverse types and styles of boutique lighting.
Just as each artisan brings their own style to the creation of the lighting fixture, each piece is infused with its own unique characteristics and heritage that is illustrated by its design.
Mid-Century modern design is popular when it comes to boutique lighting because it heralds back to an era when fine craftsmanship and top-quality were industry standards. Characterized by clean lines, authentic forms, and creative use of color, artisanal lights of mid-century modern design are ideal for those who are yearning for nostalgia and timeless allure.
Many boutique lighting fixtures feature elements of Industrial design, which is inspired by the era of inventory and machines. Industrial lighting often uses bold finishes such as chrome or nickel and distinct use of material such as metal or concrete. Artisanal lighting that is made with Industrial design influences stands above the rest since each component is placed by hand to ensure a one-of-a-kind creation.
Artisanal lighting can also include elements of Danish Modern design. These types of boutique lighting fixtures use a minimalist approach, often characterized by geometric shapes and simple features.
Creating a Well-Designed Space with Boutique Artisanal Lighting
Those looking for a lighting fixture with a creation story as unique as their own style should choose artisanal lighting. Boutique lighting offers homeowners the chance to customize the lighting experience and interior design of their contemporary home.
Since each creation is made with meticulous care by hand, no two pieces are exactly alike. When boutique lighting is chosen for the modern home, the high-quality craftsmanship done by artisan's hands will be reflected in the design of the lighting fixture.
There is no better way to create a well-designed space then to choose artisanal creations that are carefully designed and hand-crafted. If a homeowner wants to find a light source that will embody their unique personality and style, then choosing artisanal lighting for their space is a must.